Project update

Pacific Werribee Project Update

March 2023

As part of our commitment to regular, ongoing communication we wish to provide you with an update on key upcoming works over the next month. If you would like further information about the project, please contact Centre Management by clicking here. 

Car park works

On 1 March, the works occurring in the LG car park underneath Target will extend into the area adjacent. We expect the works in this area to conclude by the middle of the year. 

The extension of this work area means: 

  • The pedestrian entrance into the centre from the Target end of the LG car park will temporarily close from 1 March. 
  • The entrance and exit from Heaths Road into the Lower Ground car park (Target/Carwash entry) remains temporarily closed. 
  • The entrance and exit from the internal road adjacent to Barber Drive into the Lower Ground car park (Target/Carwash entry) remains temporarily closed. 
  • Pedestrian access from Heaths Road (Target/Carwash entrance) and the Barber Drive entrance remains temporarily prohibited. 

We have a traffic management and wayfinding plan in place to ensure our community’s journey through this area of the car park is disrupted as little as possible. This plan ensures:

  • Vehicular access to the Ground and L1 floors of the car park will remain open via the existing ramp from the LG carpark.
  • Customers will be able to access the centre from the Target end of the car park via Ground and L1. 

In addition, works will also commence in a small area of the L1 car park above the central entrance from Heaths Road on 25 February. They are expected to conclude around April this year. 
Work continues as planned in the areas of the multideck car park surrounding the central entrance from Heaths Road and in the LG car park beneath Target, as well as the mall area adjacent to 101 Quick Cuts. 

Upcoming Retailer Closures 

On 1 March, works in the Target end of the centre will commence, and are expected to continue up to the middle of this year. This means the following stores to close:

  • QBD Books 
  • Lush
  • Bargain Heaven
  • Christian and Chloe 

We are finalising temporary arrangements with these retailers, and will be able to share more information on these plans with our community soon.